Monday, November 17, 2008
Animated Thanksgiving Myspace Layouts
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Myspace 9/11 Graphics
Looking for Myspace 911 Graphics? Install these Myspace 911 Graphics on your Myspace, Facebook, Friendster, Tagged, Orkut, or Hi5 profile page!
Get this In Memory of 911 Myspace Graphics or more Myspace 911 Graphics from these Free Myspace Graphics Collection
Get this 9-11 Heroes Myspace Graphics or more Myspace 911 Graphics from these Free Myspace Graphics Collection
Get this Never Forget September 11 Myspace Graphics more Myspace 911 Graphics from these Free Myspace Graphics Collection
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Looking for College Myspace Layouts?
Or see other College Myspace Layouts from these Premade Myspace Layouts collection
Or see other College Myspace Layouts from these Premade Myspace Layouts collection
Or see other College Myspace Layouts from these Premade Myspace Layouts collection
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
How to Hide Blog and Extended Network
If you want to remove the blog and extended network banner on your profile page so they won't take up so much space and so that others won't see them, then hide blog and extended network of your profile!
And I'll tell you how to hide blog and extended network on your Myspace! To hide blog and extended network banner on Myspace, this is all need:
To embed the hide blog and extended network Myspace code on your profile, copy the code and paste it on the About Me section of your profile. It's that simple! :D
Monday, September 1, 2008
How To Steal A Myspace Layout
Simple. Steal the Mypace layout!
Oh, right! You don't know how to steal a Myspace layout. Well, don't worry because I'll tell you the secret on how to steal a Myspace layout that you've been eyeing since forever! Below are the steps on how to steal a Myspace layout easily and hassle free:
1. Look for a Myspace Layout Stealer tool that would let you steal a Myspace layout you've seen on Myspace.
2. Take note and input the Myspace ID of the user whose layout you're gonna steal. The Myspace ID can be the user's nickname or the string of numbers found on his URL like the following:
3. Once you've entered a Myspace ID, the Myspace layout you want will be displayed on the Profile Editor tool and is ready to be edited or to be coded for your installation.
4. If you don't want to change anything, or if you are done editing, simply get the code of your Myspace layout and install on your Myspace page.
It's that easy to steal a Myspace layout from anyone on Myspace. And now that you know the secret on how to steal a Myspace layout, you can easily get all the Myspace layouts you want! All you need is an easy-to-use and hassle-free Myspace Layout Stealer tool!
How to Create Your Own Myspace Layout
Here are some easy-to-follow steps on how to create your own Myspace layout from scratch:
1. Go to a Myspace Profile Editor with Real-Time Preview, a full layout generator that allows you to preview the layout that you are making at the same moment you are making it. Cool, huh?
2. Choose whether you want:
a. To create your own Myspace layout from scratch;
b. Edit existing premade Myspace layouts; or
c. Steal and edit your friend's Myspace layout.
3. Create or edit the background of your layout, box design, and text designs.
4. If you're done creating your own Myspace layout, then you are ready get the code of your personalized Myspace layout.
5. To dress up your profile page with the Myspace layout you created, either:
a. Copy and paste the code of your own Myspace layout on the About Me section of your Myspace; or
b. Log in your Myspace account details on the Gigya box so you won't have to go to Myspace to install your own layout that you've created!
It's very easy to create your own Myspace layout, right? So, the next you find yourself spending hours and hours of looking for the layout that would match your taste, simply visualize the design you prefer and just create your own Myspace layout from scratch!
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Funny Myspace Videos for Your Profile Page
Here is my favorite:
Check out more funny Myspace Videos for your profile page!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Using Myspace Codes on Creating that Myspace Layout Exactly the Way You Want
Be unique! Be original! Customize your Myspace page with these Myspace codes so that your page would stand out from others! Choose among the following profile tweaks that you’d like to implement on your page in as easy as A-B-C!
1. Hide your Myspace comments because you don’t want other people to read what your friends have to say about you.
2. Tired with how your friends ask you, “Why am I not in your top friends list”? Well, then hide your Myspace friends so nobody would have to ask that question again!
3. If you don’t want other people messaging you up or adding you as friends, then hide your contact table on Myspace.
4. Ok, so you’re the mysterious type eh? Why not hide your Myspace details or hide basic info on your Myspace profile page?
5. Hiding from a friend? an admirer? a stalker? Hide your last login detail on Myspace so nobody would know when you last opened your account.
6. Pissed off with comment spams? Hide the Add Comment link on your Myspace page so no one would be able to send you worthless, spammy comments again!
7. Center your Myspace profile so that all tables are aligned to the center, with one on top of the other. Neat, huh?
8. Put your friends list and comments in a neat Myspace scroll box so you won’t have to drag your profile all the way down!
9. You can also hide your blog and extended network on your Myspace profile to free your page with some space!
10. Move your contact table on Myspace. Play with it’s width, height, and location and see how different your profile can be from other Myspace users!
Can’t get enough of Myspace code tweaks? Check out and try more free Myspace codes and profile tweaks and see how they can change your profile from exhausting to exciting!
How to Annoy People in Myspace
Since Myspace has a wide member database of different types of people, it is inevitable that someone will be annoying.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Celebrate St. Patrick's Day today!!
Get More Happy Saint Patrick's Day Myspace Comments
Greeting all of you a lucky and happy St. Patrick's Day! May luck and joy find their way on our home, family, and friends!!
Monday, February 18, 2008
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Celebrate Valentine's Day on Myspace
Even Myspace is celebrating Valentine's Day with its users installing Myspace Valentines Layouts on their pages, accessorizing on Myspace Valentines Graphics, and sending out Myspace Valentines Comments to their friends. Funny how flowers, chocolates, balloons, Cupid, and those other symbols of love are not only popular on the "real" world, but on cyberspace, as well -- on Myspace!
So, if you want to celebrate Valentine's Day, too, on your Myspace page, dress it up with Valentine Myspace Layouts! Plus, send out hot Valentine Myspace Graphics and Glitter Comments to your friends. Greet them with a Happy Valentine's Day or ask them out for a date with these Myspace Valentine Blings. So, what are you waiting for? Celebrate Valentine's Day with me on Myspace! :-)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
How to Dress Up Your Myspace with FREE Myspace Accessories?
What are Myspace accessories?
Myspace accessories are little cute stuffs with varying designs that you can embed or install on your Myspace page to add style and color on it. Myspace accessories include Myspace layouts, graphics, comments, widgets, flash toys, and other Myspace tools for your profile!
Are Myspace accessories free?
Yes! Most Myspace Layouts site offer free Myspace accessories. All you have to do is grab the codes that come with them and paste them on your Myspace profile to be able to use them.
How to use free Myspace accessories?
Free Myspace accessories come with HTML codes that you need to copy (CTRL+C) and paste (CTRL+V) on your Myspace Edit Profile page, particularly on the section where you want them to appear (i.e. About Me, Who I'd Like to Meet, etc...).
What else can I do with free Myspace accessories?
Aside from adding style and craze to your Myspace profile, free Myspace accessories are also perfect to send out to friends as Myspace comments. All you have to do is paste the codes on your friends' comment box and then click on "Post Comment." The Myspace accessories would then appear on their page.
It's that easy, right? So, dress up your Myspace page with cool Myspace accessories now!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
How to Animate Your Pictures for Myspace Comments
Looking for Myspace tools, flash toys, or widgets where you can animate your pictures? Try Animate-Your-Picture Myspace Comments!
With Animate-Your-Picture Myspace Comments, you can paste your picture on an animated body and make yourself dance, fly, or simply do funny stuffs. You can even make your picture talk by adding funny texts, thoughts, or comments!
Animate-Your-Picture Myspace Comments are cool ideas for funny Myspace comments to your friends and perfect accessories for your Myspace layouts!
So, what are you waiting for? Animate Your Picture now!